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Travel Map

I successfully visited 30 countries on 6* continents by my 30th Birthday! #30by30


*yes I realize the world is made up of 7 continents, not 6. I did pass Social Studies. However, after much deliberation, I have come to terms with the fact that I have absolutely no desire to visit Antarctica and I refuse to spend that much money just to say I did. So…6 continents for my purposes.

My Travel List

1. Canada
2. United States
3. Russia
4. Mexico
5. Argentina
6. Cambodia
7. Chile
8. Costa Rica
9. Cuba
10. Dominican Republic

11. France
12. Germany
13. Indonesia
14. Ireland
15. Malta
16. Morocco
17. Netherlands
18. Peru
19. Philippines
20. Portugal

21. Saint Martin
22. Sint Maarten
23. Spain
24. Thailand
25. United Kingdom
26. Iceland
27. Australia
28. Trinidad & Tobago
29. Greece
30. Italy

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