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A Day in the Life of Retired Me

So, I literally just made a schedule for myself to manage my last 2 weeks here. Somehow I fear with all this free time, I haven’t been getting enough accomplished, or that I won’t, and I have visitors for the better part of this last half so I will be doing less work and probably less fitness and more vacationing. But seriously, this is my schedule. A day in the life of me right about now…

– Elliptical (1 hour), core and arms, swim 300m OR yoga (if I’m up to leaving the condo)

– Tan, front side – pink bikini (that note is made as I am now strategically planning my bathing suit selection based on different cuts and evening out any tan lines, duh)

– Type up business plan, unplugged (this is to ensure I’m not distracted by all the forms of social media coming at me when I connect to wifi)

So as you can tell, I’m not exactly down here partying my face off (like I have done on so many other holidays…). I said this was the kind of holiday I’d come back from well rested, and I intend to.

I haven’t even had a cocktail of any kind, a beverage of any kind actually, aside from water, in 2 days! Nothing! Not even wine… can you imagine? 

I know. 

What is that about?!

Who AM I?!

Kaley said she’s going to call off our friendship if I don’t re-develop my wine habit before I come home.

The scariest bit is, I don’t even care. I even have a few bottles in the kitchen right now, at my disposal, and I haven’t even been tempted to pop one open. (Although, Mom and Dad arrive in a few hours and I have a funny feeling Mom may re-ignite the wino inside me and I may be reporting a very different story a week from now.)

Now, I don’t want to mislead anyone. I have made it to happy hour a few nights, for sure. My first two nights here I was in almost complete solitude (aside from the four Mexican guys that work here and follow me around attending to my every need–the perks of being the first people in a very quiet building). So I was oh so thankful when our dearest friends – Glen & Joe, ex-pats from Ohio who moved here permanently a few years ago and befriended my parents, well, our whole family – invited me to meet them for dinner and drinks on Friday. Or drinks and then dinner, I suppose. That’s how it works when you get older (and no, I’m not calling the boys old!!). You do it in reverse order. You end up eating at the same time as the 20-somethings. But you go to bed right after, so you have to meet around 4pm or so to get all your socializing in. Sounds early, I know, but you’ll be loving it when you can wake up before 10am, well-rested without almost any remnants of a hangover and not miss out on your routine morning exercise (which in my case is currently swimming laps… so easy on the joints!).

Did I just say that?

But seriously–I challenge any of you skeptics to try it for a month, even a week, and tell me you disagree. That waking up groggy and foggy about the previous night’s adventures that kept you up until sunrise and subsequently spending the entire day wasting away on a couch, watching bad television, avoiding the sun, other people, sweating profusely and of course accomplishing nothing, and then feeling bad about yourself is better. It’s not. I swear. 

I did do one late night. My PVR bestie* Judie had arrived Thursday to spend the winter here, as her and her boyfriend John do every year, AND Kaley, my real life bestie from home had flown down for the weekend (livin’ like a celebrity!) so of course we just HAD to go dancing! I’m not sure who’s idea it was, but I’m almost positive it can be attributed to the 2×1 margaritas we ordered endlessly at happy hour. (Kaley was trying to keep score and see how many margs she could cram into her 48 hour trip.) After dancing, and bar hopping a little, and putting Judie into a taxi home to her condo, I proceeded to keep drunk, sleepy Kaley up until 4:30am, chatting her ear off and eating gluten free cake! Poor thing! That’s what happens to me after two days of not speaking to anyone, I guess. I have A LOT to say.


And then the next day we rolled out of bed just before noon, feeling icky. The only thing that seemed to help at all was a dip in the pool (you gotta go all the way under for it to work it’s magic on a hangover) and then ordering up another margarita!! 

It was a fun weekend… but I’m back to enjoying the quiet for these last few days. 



Well, there goes my budgeted time for blogging. Still have work to do today, and probably will take a leisurely afternoon nap as well before Mom & Dad arrive and I whisk them out to meet Glen & Joe for slightly later happy hour…. We still should be able to be in bed by 10pm though. 🙂


Oh, and by the way, Kaley’s final margarita count was: 19

*bestie – bad teenage slang word for best friend that some adults have now picked up and are using in day to day conversations… yup



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